Wikipédia Angol változat:Sunrider kifejezésre…

A Wikipédia angol változatát érdemesnek látom arra a Sunrider Vállalat megemlítésekor, hogy kiemeljem a Sunriderről szóló bejegyzés „Company history” részét és közzétegyem angol nyelven. Akit érdekel, Google fordítóval bátran érthetővé teheti az eredeti Wikipédia oldalon keresztül. A linket is ide mellékeltem. Kéretik neki menni a Wikipédiának ha ez nem igaz mert kint van több mint 10 éve az Interneten ez is.


Company history

Sunrider was founded in 1982 in Orem, Utah in the United States by the Taiwan-born herbalist, Dr. Tei-Fu Chen. In the late 1980s, the company moved its headquarters to the Los Angeles area. It has since expanded into an international corporation with about forty offices worldwide.

In 1995 Sunrider International and its owner were charged with orchestrating a massive tax and customs fraud scheme to evade tens of millions of dollars in taxes. Chen and the Sunrider Corporation were indicted by a federal grand jury in a 20-count indictment charging them with conspiracy, tax evasion, filing of false corporate tax returns, and smuggling. In 1997, the Chens entered into a plea bargain with the court on the charges of tax evasion and customs fraud. Tei-Fu Chen served nearly a year in prison while his wife, Oi-Lin Chen, served six months of home detention. The couple paid over $100 million in back taxes, interest and penalties and an additional $4 million to avoid forfeiting the items they were accused of smuggling and undervaluing.

Sunrider was an early user of stevia as a sweetener, using a non-chemical extraction designed to remove the green color and bitter aftertaste from the Stevia leaves.

In 2007 Sunrider purchased the Holiday Inn Asiaworld Taipei and renamed it the Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei, and expressed plans to purchase more hotels in Asia. Sunrider has over 7,000 retail stores in China.

Sunrider’s founders Tei-Fu and Oi Lin Chen were jointly named No. 6 on the Goldsea 100 list of America’s top Asian entrepreneurs.

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